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Sat, 23 Nov



Awbridge Village Fun Run

Awbridge Village Family Fun Run Returns! The favourite family 2km Fun Run & Now with a new 6KM route for 2024

Awbridge Village Fun Run
Awbridge Village Fun Run

Time & Location

23 Nov 2024, 09:00 – 15:00

Awbridge, Romsey Rd, Awbridge, Romsey SO51 0HG, UK

About the event

2km Route 

Suitable for all abilities, routing from the village hall and into the nature reserve. majority of course is off-road and on flat even grass with a few minor inclines and declines and small sections (~50m) on boardwalk and tarmac. The course will be supported by directional markings throughout, Marshalls at all junctions and a support runner at the back of the field equipped with water.

 6km Route 

New this year! 6km route. mixture of lanes and fields. short inclines and sheep poo! The course will be supported by directional markings throughout, Marshalls at all junctions and a support runner at the back of the field equipped with water.


Site open: 07:30 Registration opens: 09:00 2KM Start: 10:00 6KM Start: 10:30 Results: TBA Site Close: 15:30


  • Exclusive finishers’ medals for all children
  • Bean on the Road – coffee
  • Food van

There is no admission fee to enter the grounds, spectators are more than welcome to cheer on the competitors.


View our routes  – TBA

Terms and Conditions

 Awbridge District Village Association (ADVA) Fun Run Terms & Conditions Event Title: ADVA Fun Run 2024 PARTICIPATION 

  • Each entrant must pre-register to enter an event. An email address and race day contact phone is required for all entries, this can be of a single parent, guardian or group lead (referred to as ‘Primary Contact’). All correspondence will be via email.
  • To register for the Fun Run as a ‘Primary Contact’ and on behalf of other entrants you must be 18 years of age or older on event day. Entrants aged 0 to 17 must be entered by a parent/guardian and must be accompanied at the event by a parent/guardian.
  • Each participant must agree to the disclaimer and these terms and conditions before participating in the event. All participants take part at their own risk and a disclaimer waiving all claims against ADVA and any party acting on its behalf must be completed by all entrants.  Registrants must be capable of completing the full distance, start line to finish line.
  • By taking part, all participants confirm that they are happy for their names and any footage or photographs taken during their participation in the Fun Run to be used to publicise any ADVA. Participant run number bibs are specific personal identifiers and cannot be exchanged with or sold to any other person.
  • All entry fees are non-refundable, and cannot be deferred towards a future event, nor can an entry be transferred from one event to another. Entries are non-transferable. Registration closure is determined and announced when event participation reaches the established capacity or a pre-set date


  • Participants must follow instructions as given from all event officials including race staff, volunteers and medical personnel throughout the duration of the event.
  • All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner during their participation in the event. Anyone violating this rule of conduct shall be disqualified from the event and will be asked to leave the course.
  • Every participant shall be provided with an event bib number, which shall be conspicuously worn on the front during the event. The event bib number is to be worn as issued. No participant shall be permitted to participate in the event without the appropriate bib number.
  • All participants must write their name and details of any health problems or medication on the reverse of the event number, which must be worn on the front of their shirt during the run.
  • Due to unsuitable terrain baby joggers, baby strollers and wheelchairs, are not permitted on the course.
  • Pets are not permitted on the course.
  • All participants must acknowledge and agree that personal information (including medical information entered on their event number or collected by event medical staff during or after the Event) can be stored, used and disclosed by ADVA in connection with the organisation and administration of the Event and for the compilation of statistical information.
  • Participants shall assemble 5 minutes prior to the run starting. Participants shall then proceed to the start line. All participants must be positioned behind the starting line when starting.


  • Any participant who refuses to obey the directions of the event official or course marshal, or who conducts himself/herself in an unsportsmanlike manner, or who is offensive by action or language to officials, volunteers, participants or spectators may be disqualified by the event and future participation at the discretion of event officials.
  • Any participant who has been found by a course marshal, event official to have gained an unfair advantage by intentionally shortening the route of the event (“cutting the course”) shall be immediately disqualified from the event.
  • Any person who participates in the event without a current official event bib number not officially assigned to him/her is subject to removal and disqualification.
  • A person will be allowed to accompany a participant if the participant is not physically/mentally able complete the course alone.


  • Participants are responsible for their recognition and understanding of event signage, symbols and colour relating to participant maps, facilities and direction.
  • Medical personnel authorised by the event to do so may examine any participant who appears in distress. If in the sole opinion of authorised medical personnel it is in the best interest of the participant’s health and welfare, medical personnel can remove the participant from the event.
  • Participants must retire at once from the event if ordered to do so by a member of the event’s official staff, official medical staff, or any governmental authority, including fire and police officers. Participants are responsible and assume liability for any and all medical expenses incurred as a result of training for and/or participation in the event, including but not limited to ambulance transport, hospital stays, physician and pharmaceutical goods and services.
  • Event officials reserve the right to delay, cancel, alter the route or suspend the event due to inclement weather in accordance with Emergency Protocol on severe emergencies and/or inclement weather.


  • Event officials reserve the right, to modify, supplement or waive all or part of the event rules. Participants shall be bound by any modification or supplement of the event rules published prior to the event. Failure to follow these event rules, as can be amended, will result in immediate disqualification.


ADVA hold a specialised event specific public liability insurance policy to cover the event, details of which can be provided on request.


In order to run in the Awbridge Village Fun Run event, runners must agree the following disclaimer:

“In completing this entry I declare that I, or anyone that I am paying for, will not compete in the event unless medically fit to do so and that, in any event, we will compete at my/our own risk. I accept that the organisers will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses which may arise in consequence of my/our participation of the event when in breach of these Terms & Conditions. I/We understand that entry fees are non-refundable. I also hereby give my permission to use my/our name, quotes, video footage, and photographic likeness for marketing and promotional purposes.”

This policy is effective from 2024-JULY-01 09:00:00 +0000


  • Under 5’s – FREE 2 km

    Sale ends: 16 Nov, 18:00

    Under 5’s – FREE 2km Fun Run

  • 5-17 year's (2Km/6km or Both)

    Sale ended
  • 18+ (2Km/6km or Both)

    Sale ended
  • Family (2Km/6km or Both)

    Family (2 Adults and 3 under 18’s)

    Sale ended



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